Search FAQ / iRig ASIO Drivers - Info & FAQs

iRig ASIO Drivers - Info & FAQs

How do I download the iRig ASIO drivers?

Log in to your IK Account and visit the "Drivers Downloads" section of the User Area. You can visit this page by clicking here

The iRig ASIO drivers will be located in this page.


Why do I need the iRig ASIO drivers?

The iRig ASIO drivers enable professional level audio control over your iRig hardware. With the iRig ASIO drivers, it allows for adjustable buffer sizes and optimal control for ultra low level latency. Overall, performance with ASIO is better and much more stable, resulting in less dropouts and audio processing issues.


Which Windows operating systems work with iRig ASIO?

Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, and Windows 10 or later.


Do I need the iRig ASIO drivers on macOS?

No. macOS already allows for professional level audio control. That is why it is only offered on Windows.


What if I already installed the iRig Pro DUO ASIO drivers?

We recommend uninstalling the iRig Pro DUO ASIO drivers if you want to use the general iRig ASIO drivers. Both ASIO drivers will work with iRig Pro DUO and iRig Pro DUO I/O; but using the general iRig ASIO will allow it to work with other iRig models.


Which iRig products can be used with the iRig ASIO?

iRig HD 2
iRig Pro I/O
iRig Pro DUO
iRig Pro DUO I/O
iRig Pre HD
iRig Stream
iRig Stream Pro

iRig Keys 2 (all)
iRig Stomp I/O
iRig Keys I/O (all)
iRig Mic HD 2
iRig Mic Studio
iRig Mic Cast HD
iRig Mic Video
iRig Micro Amp

FAQ ID: 1340



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